


SOBER-2 completes its term today. While bidding farewell, I wish to express sincere thanks & appreciation to my colleagues in EC-7 for their counsel & support. To the best of our ability & judgement, we worked overtime to advancing the cause of residents. We succeeded in many areas, we failed elsewhere & we also ended with mixed results on occasions. SOBER-2’s failings shouldn’t be attributed to our lack of initiative or efforts. We were dealing with a hardcore corporate, profiteering system that defies propriety.
I don’t seek to self-trumpet SOBER-2’s achievements. Wherever required we have listed them in the past. Our greatest successes included:
Constant engagement with BEM. It was a “no-go area” earlier. We had to shout before being allowed entry into ED’s office;
Sensitised BEM about our grievances;
Itemised the electricity bill, and have had it separated from the maintenance bill;
Amended the Constitution;
Re-registered SOBER with ICT Administration, almost a Herculean task;
Successfully executed the project of fair & transparent elections for which we set the rules, and laid the necessary infrastructure.
Often, either we are shy of saying, or being under peer pressure, we tend to belittle the quality of life in BE. In many respects, we are better placed than any CDA Sector. We are much less victims of CDA’s inefficiency, mismanagement, and corrupt practices.
We cannot condone the effects of broken promises when it comes, among others, to the provision of piped gas & water; hospital; community centre; petrol pump; easy access to Park road; withdrawal of some maintenance services, and reducing others; inadequate security, and omnipresent cows & dogs.
We were a victim of failing national regulatory institutions, e.g, CDA, NEPRA & IESCO. They are comprised.
SOBER-2 is grateful to a large number of its friends, and well-wishers with whose critical support it succeeded. We are equally thankful to our critics who kept us motivated to try harder.
Let’s promote greater harmony, good-neighbourliness, and tolerance. Most residents are aware of their civic responsibilities. We hope that the residual will join the mainstream too in improving life & environment.
We pray for the success of SOBER-3. There are formidable challenges ahead. We are confident that our able successors, under President-elect Shahid Ali will overcome them. Duai’n & best wishes.
Adios dear friends.
(Iftikhar Hussain Kazmi)
President, SOBER

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