


Barring few complaints (e.g, street lights, and supply of water, and fewer issues of security) the 3-day Eid passed off peacefully without any untoward incident. Both, the spirit, and fervour of the festive days were evident.
We are appreciative of the excellent arrangements, made for offering Qurbani at 9 different locations by the Mgt.
Some residents who chose to do Qurbani at places other than the designated sites were violative of the rules. All such deviations merit to be censured. We hope that violators would join the rule-abiding mainstream next year.
Energy crisis continues to haunt the country. 2-3 hour load-shedding, even in bill-paying areas is nation-wide. With few aberrations, luckily, BEI has been load-shedding free this summer. It calls for appreciation for the Mgt.’s efforts for providing seamless electricity to residents.
BEI parks, and other places were frequented by flocks of outsiders during Eid holidays. Their noisy bike-riding has always been a nuisance. It’s a complex social problem, and an issue of security. It’s not easy for MSM to completely stop their entry. Villages surrounding BEI are entertainment-starved. Our facilities serve them a gravitational pull. In the situation, we are faced with a dilemma. It is possible for MSM to deny entry to some outsiders, not all. However, is it morally right to act rude with the less fortunate?
Hospital; Piped gas, and water to all sectors; Access road to Park express road; Community Centre; Appropriate maintenance, and upkeep of mosques; Street lights (in some lanes), fencing, and walling of BEI; Speed, and efficiency at the Operations Division (Clearance, and approval take long time than necessary. Allottees pay a huge toll of time, effort, and money).
In addition, the electricity tariff, and maintenance charges are required to rationalised, decreasing them to the rates, being charged by other premier housing societies in the twin societies. 

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